Operating Instructions for the Jabsco Manual Marine Toilet
Instructions for Use
The toilet is one of the most frequently used pieces of equipment on your boat. Proper operation of the marine toilet is essential to the safety and comfort of your crew.
1. First Use
After periods of non-use, your toilet could benefit from lubrication.
Open seabird inlet and outlet (and secondary valves if available).
Fill the bowl halfway with fresh, warm water.
While keeping the flow control lever (switch 23) in the closed position (769a.jpg), pump warm water.

2. Normal Use
Open seabird inlet and outlet (and secondary valves if available).
Before use, make sure there is enough water in the bowl to prevent the toilet paper from compressing at the bottom of the bowl. If the vessel is empty, move the flow control lever (switch 23) to the open position (769b.jpg) and pump the handle (switch 17) up and down until the purge pump is primed and water enters the vessel. Then close the flow control (769a.jpg).
- Operate the pump with long, smooth strokes for effective and easy operation.
- During use, pump as necessary to keep container contents reduced enough for comfort.
- Use high-quality hard or soft household toilet paper, but don't use too much of it.
- After use, keep flow control locked (769a.jpg) and pump until bowl is empty.
When the receptacle is empty, open (769b.jpg) the flow control unit again, and continue pumping until all waste is out of the receptacle, or reaches the storage tank (allow 7 complete up/down movements for each meter (yard) of length from Discharge pipes).
Then (769a.jpg) Close the flow control device and pump until the vessel is empty. Always leave the container empty to minimize spilled odors.

After Use:
- Turn off the flow control device (769a.jpg).
- Close both marine fish
Accidental Damage
If the toilet is connected to any fixtures located below the waterline at any time, and if the toilet or pipes are damaged, water may overflow, causing the vehicle to sink, which could result in loss of life.
Therefore, after each use, both valves (and secondary valves) should be closed.
When your vehicle is unattended, even for a very short period, both valves should be closed (even if secondary valves are installed).
Ensure all users understand how to properly and safely operate the toilet system, including seacocks and secondary valves.
Particular attention is given to the education of children, the elderly and visitors.
Close the seas!
Note: Do not put anything into the toilet unless you have taken it first, except toilet paper. Do not put: sanitary napkins, wet wipes, cotton, cigarettes, matches, chewing gum, any solid objects, gasoline, diesel, oil, solvents of any kind, or water hotter than your hand.
3. Cleaning
CAUTION: Do not use aggressive chemicals such as acetone or bleach, because the plastic parts may crack and the enamel on the seat and lid may blister.
To clean the vessel, use any liquid or cream ceramic cleaner.
To clean the rest of the toilet, including the seat and cover, use a non-abrasive liquid cleaner. Polish only with a dry cloth.
CAUTION: Do not use abrasive pads on any part of the toilet or use cream cleaners other than the bowl.
To sanitize the toilet, use a diluted liquid disinfectant according to the manufacturer's instructions. You can apply it to all parts of the toilet with a sponge or soft brush as necessary.
WARNING: Do not use thick liquid toilet bowl cleaners or clean bleach. They may damage valves, gaskets, seals and enamel coating of the seat and cover.
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